
      Selected Publications
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  First Author Publications
      Star+disc formation & MHD Publications
      AGN feedback Publications
      Methods and Code Publications
      Conference and Seminar Presentations

Refereed journal publications
  1. Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations II: Re-simulating isolated clumps to determine equivalence of extracted clumps and parent simulations.  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster & C. Rowan
    MNRAS, 528, 2257-2273, Feb. 2024.
  2. Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations I: Clump extraction and properties [Data]
    J. Wurster & C. Rowan
    MNRAS, 523, 3025-3042, Aug. 2023.
  3. Gas and star kinematics in cloud-cloud collisions.  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 522, 891-911, June 2023.
  4. On the origin of magnetic fields in stars II: The effect of numerical resolution [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate, D. J. Price & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 511, 746-764, March 2022.
  5. The impact of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic processes on discs, outflows, counter-rotation and magnetic walls during the early stages of star formation  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 507, 2354-2372, Oct 2021.
  6. Do we need non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to model protostellar discs?  [Videos]  [Code]
    J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 501, 5873-5891, March 2021.
  7. Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics vs turbulence II: Which is the dominant process in stellar core formation?  [Data]
    J. Wurster & B. T. Lewis
    MNRAS, 495, 3807-3818, July 2020.
  8. Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics vs turbulence I: Which is the dominant process in protostellar disc formation?  [Data]
    J. Wurster & B. T. Lewis
    MNRAS, 495, 3795-3806, July 2020.
  9. There is no magnetic braking catastrophe: Low-mass star cluster and protostellar disc formation with non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 489, 1719-1741, Oct 2019.
  10. Disc formation and fragmentation using radiative non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Data]
    J. Wurster & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 486, 2587-2603, June 2019.
  11. The role of magnetic fields in the formation of protostellar discs
    J. Wurster & Z.-Y. Li
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, 5, 39, December 2018.
  12. On the origin of magnetic fields in stars  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 481, 2450-2457, December 2018.
  13. Hall effect-driven formation of gravitationally unstable discs in magnetized molecular cloud cores  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 480, 4434-4442, November 2018.
  14. The effect of extreme ionisation rates during the initial collapse of a molecular cloud core  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 476, 2063-2074, May 2018.
  15. The collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities using radiation non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 475, 1859-1880, April 2018.
  16. The impact of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics on binary star formation  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 466, 1788-1804, April 2017.
  17. NICIL: A stand alone library to self-consistently calculate non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic coefficients in molecular clouds  [Code]  [Data]
    J. Wurster
    PASA, 33:e041, September 2016.
  18. Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe?  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 457, 1037-1061, March 2016.
  19. Ambipolar diffusion in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics.
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & B. Ayliffe
    MNRAS, 444, 1104-1112, October 2014.
  20. A comparative study of AGN feedback algorithms.  [Videos]
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 2513-2534, May 2013.
  21. Accretion disc particle accretion in major merger simulations.
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 539-553, May 2013.

Conference Proceedings (not refereed)
  1. Resolving numerical star formation: A cautionary tale
    J. Wurster & M. R. Bate.
    Conference proceedings of the 14th international SPHERIC workshop, June 2019.
  2. Investigating prescriptions for artificial resistivity in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate, D. J. Price & T. S. Tricco.
    Conference proceedings of the 12th international SPHERIC workshop, June 2017.

PhD Thesis
  1. Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei: A Study of its Impact and Numerical Implementations.
    J. Wurster
    October 2013.

Master's Thesis
  1. Defining Gravitational Singularities in General Relativity.
    J. Wurster
    October 2008.