
      Selected Publications
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      First Author Publications
      Star+disc formation & MHD Publications
  AGN feedback Publications
      Methods and Code Publications
      Conference and Seminar Presentations

Refereed journal publications
  1. Comparing Simulations of AGN Feedback
    M. L. A. Richardson, E. Scannapieco, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, R. J. Thacker, Y. Dubois, J. Wurster, J. Silk
    ApJ, 825, 83, July 2016.
  2. AGN Feedback models: Correlations with star formation and observational implications of time evolution.
    R. J. Thacker, C. MacMackin, J. Wurster & A. Hobbs
    MNRAS, 443, 1125-1141, September 2014.
  3. A comparative study of AGN feedback algorithms.  [Videos]
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 2513-2534, May 2013.
  4. Accretion disc particle accretion in major merger simulations.
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 539-553, May 2013.

PhD Thesis
  1. Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei: A Study of its Impact and Numerical Implementations.
    J. Wurster
    October 2013.