
      Selected Publications
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      First Author Publications
      Star+disc formation & MHD Publications
      AGN feedback Publications
      Methods and Code Publications
      Conference and Seminar Presentations

Refereed journal publications
  1. The role of drag and gravity on dust concentration in a gravitationally unstable disc
    S. Rowther, R. Nealon, F. Meru, J. Wurster, H. Aly, R. Alexander, K. Rice, & R. A. Booth
    MNRAS, 528, 2490-2500, Feb. 2024.
  2. Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations II: Re-simulating isolated clumps to determine equivalence of extracted clumps and parent simulations.  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster & C. Rowan
    MNRAS, 528, 2257-2273, Feb. 2024.
  3. Star-forming environments in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics simulations I: Clump extraction and properties [Data]
    J. Wurster & C. Rowan
    MNRAS, 523, 3025-3042, Aug. 2023.
  4. Gas and star kinematics in cloud-cloud collisions.  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 522, 891-911, June 2023.
  5. Rogue planets and brown dwarfs: Predicting the populations of free-floating planetary mass objects observable with JWST.
    A. Scholz, K. Muzic, R. Jayawardhana, L. Quinlan & J. Wurster
    PASP, 134:104401, Oct 2022.
  6. The initial magnetic criticality of prestellar cores [Data]
    F. Priestley, C. Yin & J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 515, 5689-5697, Oct 2022.
  7. On the origin of magnetic fields in stars II: The effect of numerical resolution [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate, D. J. Price & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 511, 746-764, March 2022.
  8. The formation and early evolution of embedded star clusters in spiral galaxies.
    S. Rieder, C. Dobbs, T. Bending, K. Y. Liow & J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 509, 6155-6168, Feb 2022.
  9. The impact of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic processes on discs, outflows, counter-rotation and magnetic walls during the early stages of star formation  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & I. A. Bonnell
    MNRAS, 507, 2354-2372, Oct 2021.
  10. Investigating the role of magnetic fields in star formation using molecular line profiles [Data]
    C. Yin, F. Priestley & J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 504, 2381-2389, June 2021.
  11. The properties of clusters, and the orientation of magnetic fields relative to filaments, in magnetohydrodynamic simulations of colliding clouds
    C. Dobbs & J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 502, 2285-2295, April 2021.
  12. Do we need non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics to model protostellar discs?  [Videos]  [Code]
    J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 501, 5873-5891, March 2021.
  13. Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics vs turbulence II: Which is the dominant process in stellar core formation?  [Data]
    J. Wurster & B. T. Lewis
    MNRAS, 495, 3807-3818, July 2020.
  14. Non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics vs turbulence I: Which is the dominant process in protostellar disc formation?  [Data]
    J. Wurster & B. T. Lewis
    MNRAS, 495, 3795-3806, July 2020.
  15. There is no magnetic braking catastrophe: Low-mass star cluster and protostellar disc formation with non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 489, 1719-1741, Oct 2019.
  16. Ambipolar diffusion and the molecular abundances in pre-stellar cores  [Erratum]
    F. Priestley, J. Wurster & S. Viti
    MNRAS, 488, 2357-2364, Sept 2019. (Erratum: MNRAS, 503, 2899-2901, May 2021.)
  17. Disc formation and fragmentation using radiative non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Data]
    J. Wurster & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 486, 2587-2603, June 2019.
  18. The role of magnetic fields in the formation of protostellar discs
    J. Wurster & Z.-Y. Li
    Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Science, 5, 39, December 2018.
  19. On the origin of magnetic fields in stars  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 481, 2450-2457, December 2018.
  20. Hall effect-driven formation of gravitationally unstable discs in magnetized molecular cloud cores  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 480, 4434-4442, November 2018.
  21. Phantom: A smoothed particle hydrodynamics and magnetohydrodynamics code for astrophysics  [Code]
    D. J. Price, J. Wurster, T. S. Tricco, C. Nixon, and 23 others.
    PASA, 35:e031, September 2018.
  22. The effect of extreme ionisation rates during the initial collapse of a molecular cloud core  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 476, 2063-2074, May 2018.
  23. The collapse of a molecular cloud core to stellar densities using radiation non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate & D. J. Price
    MNRAS, 475, 1859-1880, April 2018.
  24. The impact of non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics on binary star formation  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 466, 1788-1804, April 2017.
  25. Does turbulence determine the initial mass function?
    D. Liptai, D. J. Price, J. Wurster & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 465, 105-111, February 2017.
  26. The effect of a wider initial separation on common envelope binary interaction simulations
    R. Iaconi, T. Reichardt, J. Staff, O. De Marco, J. C. Passy, D. Price & J. Wurster
    MNRAS, 464, 4028-4044, February 2017.
  27. NICIL: A stand alone library to self-consistently calculate non-ideal magnetohydrodynamic coefficients in molecular clouds  [Code]  [Data]
    J. Wurster
    PASA, 33:e041, September 2016.
  28. Comparing Simulations of AGN Feedback
    M. L. A. Richardson, E. Scannapieco, J. Devriendt, A. Slyz, R. J. Thacker, Y. Dubois, J. Wurster, J. Silk
    ApJ, 825, 83, July 2016.
  29. Can non-ideal magnetohydrodynamics solve the magnetic braking catastrophe?  [Videos]  [Data]
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & M. R. Bate
    MNRAS, 457, 1037-1061, March 2016.
  30. Ambipolar diffusion in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics.
    J. Wurster, D. J. Price & B. Ayliffe
    MNRAS, 444, 1104-1112, October 2014.
  31. AGN Feedback models: Correlations with star formation and observational implications of time evolution.
    R. J. Thacker, C. MacMackin, J. Wurster & A. Hobbs
    MNRAS, 443, 1125-1141, September 2014.
  32. Cloud angular momentum and effective viscosity in global SPH simulations with feedback.
    D. J. Williamson, R. J.Thacker, J. Wurster & B. K. Gibson
    MNRAS, 442, 3674-3685, August 2014.
  33. A comparative study of AGN feedback algorithms.  [Videos]
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 2513-2534, May 2013.
  34. Accretion disc particle accretion in major merger simulations.
    J. Wurster & R. J. Thacker
    MNRAS, 431, 539-553, May 2013.
  35. Magnetically-regulated fragmentation induced by nonlinear flows and ambipolar diffusion.
    S. Basu, G. E. Ciolek, W. B. Dapp & J. Wurster
    New A, 14, 483-495, July 2009.
  36. Nonlinear evolution of gravitational fragmentation regulated by magnetic fields and ambipolar diffusion.
    S. Basu, G. E. Ciolek & J. Wurster
    New A, 14, 221-237, April 2009.

Conference Proceedings (not refereed)
  1. Resolving numerical star formation: A cautionary tale
    J. Wurster & M. R. Bate.
    Conference proceedings of the 14th international SPHERIC workshop, June 2019.
  2. Investigating prescriptions for artificial resistivity in smoothed particle magnetohydrodynamics
    J. Wurster, M. R. Bate, D. J. Price & T. S. Tricco.
    Conference proceedings of the 12th international SPHERIC workshop, June 2017.

PhD Thesis
  1. Feedback from Active Galactic Nuclei: A Study of its Impact and Numerical Implementations.
    J. Wurster
    October 2013.

Master's Thesis
  1. Defining Gravitational Singularities in General Relativity.
    J. Wurster
    October 2008.